Help Sites

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World O'Windows - Browsers

PC-Help Online

Motherboard HomeWorld
How to Build a PC

Tom's Hardware Guide

The place to go for drivers

PC Tech - A RAM Primer

PC Webopaedia

Stroud's Consummate Internet Software

BugNet Home Page

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Online Downloading Guide

Here's a guide that is set out in five easy steps and is ideal for newcomers to the Internet who may want to download files, but don't know how to get started. Five steps to easy downloading include using a special download directory, downloading software, decompressing an archive(self-extracting files and how to use WinZip for Window3.X and Windows 95), installing software and deleting compressed files.
Don't let the strange terminology scare you. Jump in and see how easy it is to understand what it all means. You too, will be winzipping and extracting files in no time!

An additional file provides information on managing downloaded files and links to a number of utility programs, plus simple instructions for use (VirusScan, compressing and decompressing files with Drag and Zip, managing and cleaning files with CleanSweep 95 and using Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Matt Lake, Maida Stupski, and Jack Germain
Copyright: 1995-1998, CNET Inc. .


Next Week:

Web Error Messages - What They Mean.